view from today's office


0130downtownsmToday I had a shoot at an office that sits on the 20th floor of a building downtown. The space faces east, so this is their view. You can see the Mississippi River between the buildings and the lovely 3rd Ave bridge -- I love how it curves over the water. I also love how on really cold days you can see all the exhaust pluming up from the buildings (today was not a "really cold day" -- it was in the teens when I shot this).What I did *not* take a photo of today was the poor bunny rabbit that was disemboweled in my driveway by a hawk. Fun fact: the hawk only took the heart and lungs (I thought the bird would take the whole rabbit). The rest of the innards were still there (or frozen to the concrete) surrounding his furry little corpse. Poor little guy. I put him to rest (in a box in the trash).In our household, there are certain Man Duties. Remember, I'm from Kansas, which is close to The South, and my mom raised me in the regard that men take out the trash, and poor Jamie hates this about me. But! I make up for it whenever a furry creature meets its maker around our house and I dispose of the body. I've handled baby bunnies, squirrels, birds, mice, possums and today's bunny. I'm making up for this trash business, I'm certain.For your internet share of the day, I loved this theory on what really happened between Adnan and Jay of Serial fame. Also, how about some kick ass nacho recipes for Sunday's game, eh? I got you covered.