Posts in Ezra
saturday at the circus // week nine

01smLet's see... this week was busy! I had a huge 8-hour shoot in my studio today, which required a ton of planning/shopping etc this week, and luckily Ezra took loads and loads of monster naps so I could get stuff done.In family news, Ezra is finally back on the eating and sleeping schedule that we worked out before Daylight Savings time, and he has started smiling SO MUCH MORE, which is rad. His eyesight is also getting better as he can now see his dog mobile from his crib, and it's so fun to see him smile at that. Next week we have his 2 month appointment at the pediatrician's office, and we're pretty excited to see how much he's grown. The shots? Not so excited for that.A few more photos below!02sm 03sm 04sm

saturday at the circus // week 8

10smOh this cutie is having a good week. He's loving up his aunt and uncle who are visiting from Sacramento, and he got to go vote this week. And oh how the senior citizens loved seeing a baby at the polls.01smThis was his face when I told him his grandparents were staunch republicans. Yeah, kid. That look you have? I think my dad has it each time he hears about me going to see Obama.02smOne thing Ezra is doing more and more of (and loving) is practicing standing up. He can hold almost all of his weight up on his own, but he's working on balance. But man, he loves to try. This was a moment where he was standing on the ottoman with Dad's help.03smTummy time with Aunt Amanda.04smThis is what Ezra looks like when his dad burps him. I've been meaning to get this shot ever since he came home. Just look at that face!05smHere he is with Uncle Steve.06smAnd Aunt Amanda again.07smHere's some standing! And look at those adorable socks.08smOh hello, sweets!09sm

saturday at the circus // week seven

07smThis week was pretty good around Chez Plesser. We seem to have gotten a rhythm going with the feeding times and we are down to one feeding per night, which is meaning much more sleep (which is awesome). We worked a lot on tummy time, and that's getting better -- though sometimes it still pisses Ezra off. Also, it was Halloween! And Ezra slept through a bunch of it. We also ran a bunch of errands like normal people this week and Ezra got to come to Happy Hour with me (which he also slept through).He was also a bit more cranky than normal this week. Nothing that alarmed us, but we've read that this stage the kids get a little whinier because they are seeing/hearing/smelling more than before, and they tend to get a touch overstimulated. Whatever, I'm pretty sure it's just gas.But regardless, even *I*, who refuses to sing Happy Birthday to people, have resorted to singing the ABCs to settle him down. You guys, I have THE WORST singing voice ever. And I don't think it even calms him down! I think he's more like, "What the HELL is wrong with this woman's voice?" And he is stunned into silence. But whatever, I'll take it.I am also starting to notice that most of my photos of The Kid are when he's sleeping. While he does sleep a ton, I think it's because when he's awake, I want to read to him or he's eating or we're having a dance party or something like that in which photos aren't possible (I only have so many hands). Also? He's pretty adorable when he's sleeping... if I do say so myself.The rest of the photos are below -- enjoy!01sm 02sm 03sm 04sm 05sm 06sm  1031ezrasm08sm 10sm

happy halloween! From all our critters!

1031familyOh man, this is my very favorite holiday. Well... and Thanksgiving. But this one? COSTUMES!I'm not gonna lie, this morning was rough on me. I was trying to get the dogs photographed and Ezra was NOT HAVING IT. There was the most drastic crying to date (I even recorded it for future reference). I will be playing it at his wedding.But finally he calmed down and we got all dressed up and we had Halloween festivities at Jamie's office (which were phenomenal, btw) and then we came home and decorated the front porch before heading over to a neighbor's bonfire and gathering and then heading out to take Ezra up and down the block to meet other neighbors.And now we are answering the door, drinking wine and gobbling up handing out candy.For your internet share of the day, I just cannot even believe this. According to this article, people will spend $350 MILLION on their PET'S costumes this year. People. I like dressing up my critters, but that is INSANE.

saturday at the circus // up north

05smWhat a week! We said goodbye to Bubie Carole, who headed back to KC, we had a *ton* of friends stop by to meet Ezra, we ran errands like normal people, and we traveled up to the North Shore for an anniversary trip with Kid Plesser. It wasn't quite a "family vacation" as we had to leave the dogs back at home, but it has been fun nonetheless. The photo above was Jamie entertaining Ezra this morning at the cabin. I might have to frame that one.01smEzra sleeping in Bubie Carole's arms before she left town.02smRock'n'roll! Well... almost. Still working on the hand signals.03smThis view made the pre-dawn feeding bearable today. This was shot from our cabin window. Awesome.04smThis kid sleeps just like his sister.06smOh hi there.07smI love those long fingers!08smWe took a hike along the lakeshore today. If you look closely, you can see Jamie and Ezra out on the point.09smThis is Ezra in the Ergo. He's kinda smushed, but totally happy.10smCutie.11smThis kid hates tummy time. HATES IT. But we keep trying. Also? Biggest head ever. No wonder I had a c-section.12smBefore dinner tonight, we sat by one of the many bonfires along the shore at the resort and talked to other guests about their trips. It was lovely.For your internet share today, I like seeing what $93 million will buy you in NYC.

saturday at the circus // week five

01smWell hello there!We are having a pretty great time over here in Plesserville. Ezra's Bubie Carole is visiting from Kansas City this week -- for you fellow gentiles out there, Bubie is the Jewish term for grandmother. It sounds like "bookie" but with a "b" instead of a "k". And that concludes the cultural lesson for the day!Anyway, Bubie Carole looooooves Ezra, and it's adorable to see. And beyond holding him and changing his diapers and feeding him and loving him all day long, she's also doing tons of our laundry and dishes and even cooking for us. I'm featuring one of her recipes for tomorrow's Savory Sunday, and you should be sure to come back for that -- it's fantastic.Ezra himself had a busy week as well as we had his one month checkup at the pediatrician. Turns out our boy has grown 2.5 inches in the last 4 weeks! This puts him in the 97th percentile when it comes to his height, and now we are really honing in on our NCAA basketball dreams!Photos from the week are below -- enjoy!02smBubie and Ezra love making faces at each other during diaper changes.15smI love how he sleeps with his hands up by his ears.14smThis is one of my favorite outfits of his -- it reads "Bounce with me." We got it from his great Uncle Chris and Aunt Lynn in Boston.13smOh sure, there was a little crankiness this week. We hear weeks 4-8 can get a touch harder. So far Ezra isn't too bad, but since I do love crying baby photos, I had to snap a few. I'm thinking for the holiday card? Or his wedding?12smAh, see? Much better so soon.11smLook at that fierce determination! Or stubbornness. I suspect we'll see this look a lot.10smBut this one is pretty good, too... 09smA few nights ago, I caught Ezra and Jamie napping together on the couch. Loved that moment.08smHere it is from a different angle.07smMore time with Bubie Carole...05smWe've been working on tummy time a lot this week. It really pisses him off. 06sm04smOh hey! Magda! It's funny, when she sees me grab the camera, she tries to pose. She was the main subject for so long that I think she misses it. So I always snap some of her as well -- still adorable, yeah? 03smA marked man! Haha! I had an appointment this week and before I left Ezra with his Bubie, I gave him a kiss goodbye. Merlin could tell him all about the years of enduring Mom's lipstick on your forehead.

saturday at the circus // week 4

01smThis week was great in that we left the house! A week of new adventures! But... little Ezra here managed to sleep through all of them. Apparently locking him into his car seat is the recipe for a four hour nap.He slept through many walks, his first trip to Target, his first trip to the Farmer's Market and his first trip out to lunch. But you know what? We'll take it! Because holy cow were those trips nice and easy on us! (Knocking on wood as I type...)That said, the kid here also had some fussy days as he adjusted to life with no medications in his milk since Mom is now medication free. But overall, he was still pretty great. Photos from the week are below! Enjoy!02smI was so excited to be leaving the house last Sunday that I had to document it. Even if I was leaving to attend Alby's memorial service.03sm04sm05smSeriously. This kid got a gift from TIFFANY'S. I've never gotten anything from Tiffany's! But it's an adorable piggy bank from his Aunt Kameran in Chicago. What a lady.06sm07smMagda is soooo interested in these diapers. Don't worry. This is as close as she's gotten.08smThese two are starting to really get along. It's fun to see.09sm10sm11smJamie got to dress Ezra on Saturday. It was both a game day and Jamie's birthday. That hat will probably fit for only a few more hours.12smThis is Ezra sleeping through lunch!13smAnd this is the *amazing* Korean BBQ pizza that we had for birthday lunch that Ezra missed out on!15smObligatory birthday portrait.16smI told you he was fussy! I love crying baby photos, so I had to snap this one.17smAnd I also love this one of him making a face. Don't worry, he had just eaten (that's why his tongue is white).

saturday at the circus // weeks 2 & 3

12smOh hi there! He's pretty cute, eh?So I've decided that on Saturdays, I'll try to post a roundup of my week's photos of the family. This way people who read my blog and are not baby crazy can follow along with my daily life and then just skip Saturdays (or skim -- whatever). And people who LOOOOOOVE babies (I'm looking at the grandmas) can check each Saturday for photo updates. Sound good? Good.I wanted to start this feature last weekend, but frankly, I didn't have the energy. So this is a bit of a combined post. Enjoy!16smNothing makes me swoonier than seeing Jamie with Ezra. What a pair.04smThis photo was from Ezra's first bath! Which didn't really impress him either way... but he sure hated getting out of the warm water and into the cold.03smThis was Ezra's first walk outside. He was not a fan of the stroller at first, but within a few feet of rolling, he relaxed and seemed to enjoy it. 19smHe was a pretty big fan of the first night by the fire. How many Plessers can fit on one chair? Three apparently.17smEzra's first piece of official mail!14smOh hi Mags! We couldn't forget this love, could we?05smThis is my mom and Ezra.06smAnd Ezra and his grandpa.07smAnd this is a photo of my mom USING HER IPAD. I think the fact that she's holding an iPad is even more remarkable than the fact that she's holding a grandson! Now Ez, can you please teach her how to use it?10smSome girlfriends sent me this enormous package from Harry and David this week. It was EXQUISITE. So. Many. Treats.01smTummy time with Dad...11smMagda likes to sneak into the nursery and nap on the glider. Busted.08smThis is Ezra and Dad watching The Royals in the post season. Clearly he takes after his momma and is more of a college basketball fan.18smThe siblings have both totally warmed up to Ezra. Magda is especially enthralled with his diaper region (gross).13sm 15smAnd then just a few snaps I took yesterday morning when he was wide eyed and awake.