Posts in weddings
kristen + arran

So, raise your hand if you adore the person who cuts your hair. Right? I LOVE my stylist, and you can only imagine how thrilled I was when she asked me to photograph her wedding! On a boat! At sunset! I mean... c'mon!Plus? It meant I got to meet her boyfriend/fiancé/now husband! I'd been hearing about this guy for years! This was such a fun wedding for all of those reasons, but also because these two make each other so very happy, and it was such a joy to spend the day basking in that laughter and sunshine. Enjoy the photos -- this one was a blast.

hitched on a boat

This past weekend, I was so happy and lucky to photograph my amazing hair stylist getting married on a boat at sunset. I mean, really, I'm getting paid for this? Pinch me now.I have a gazillion more photos (obviously) that I will share down the line (like when they are finished), but I wanted to give you this sneak peek into what a gorgeous day it was.And for your internet shares of the day:+ Did you miss the eclipse? Here's when and where you can see another one (if you live long enough).+ I'm not one for camping, but I could get on board with these airstreams.+ I have become a fan of the bagged salad at the grocery store. Here's how to make them even better.

audree and peter

And now I get to show you that amazing, wonderful, intimate and sweet wedding that I shot last week! You guys, I am so excited. The wedding these two had is the kind of wedding I would have today (if I were not already married for like a gazillion wonderful years). It was small, it was at an amazing restaurant (My God the food was fabulous), everything was simple and the emphasis was all about relationships, not themes. I loved it so, so much. I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.  

Mike and Kelly get hitched

Last Saturday, when it was 4000 degrees outside, I photographed* this lovely and wonderful couple as they tied the knot in a park in St. Paul. And we had a ton of fun, despite the heat!One of my favorite things about photographing weddings (besides capturing all the emotion) is seeing how couples change when they are with each other. All the stress melts away. The day turns to joy as soon as they see each other for the first time, and it makes me grin every single time. And these two? They have that tenfold. They made each other laugh all day long despite the sweat, and I cannot wait to see all that they tackle as a married team. I was so lucky to spend the day with them.Below are more photos from their special day. Enjoy! *The amazing and wonderful Meredith second shot this wedding with me, and I couldn't have done it without her!

amy + ken ~ married in new orleans

ljp_6410Oh this wedding in New Orleans was fun!But before I get to that, I want to tell you about that amazing bride up there. She showed me a resilience that I would not have possessed, and she impressed the hell out of everyone in attendance. You see, the day before her wedding, she was flying into town and her luggage was stolen. Not lost. Not misplaced. Someone intentionally took it from the plane.And that piece of luggage? It had everything she needed except for the wedding dress. It contained the shoes. The rings. The jewelry. The new, old, borrowed and blue. Plus? All of her clothes for the trip. Oh! And you know what else? Try passports for the honeymoon travel right after the wedding.Can you even imagine? I cannot. I already told you about my freakout about my stupid driver's license! When I heard about this, I shut my mouth and said a prayer of thanks for all that had gone right in my trip.But this couple refused to be down. They got new passports. Friends went shopping for things like curling irons, earrings, shoes, etc. She borrowed clothes. She was AMAZING. And she had a damn good time at her wedding. It was inspiring.Now! Let's talk about the wedding! It was absolutely stunning and it included a parade. A parade! It also had some really sweet family moments and a lot of laughter. It was a blast. You can see more in the photos below. (By the way! This was one of my all black-and-white weddings of the year, which you'll notice below. What a fun and creative twist to the shooting!)ljp_7916ljp_5927 dress-shoes dsc_2371 dsc_2517-1 ljp_5876 dsc_2574-1 dsc_2416 ljp_5909 ljp_7918ljp_7988 ljp_6059 ljp_6040 dsc_2623-1 firstlookljp_7924 ljp_7963ljp_7998 dsc_2448 ljp_8050 ljp_6302 dsc_3143 ljp_8100 ljp_8127 ljp_8144 ljp_8387 ljp_8148ljp_6336 ljp_6361 ljp_6441 ljp_6533 ljp_6547 ljp_6635ljp_8339 ljp_8326 ljp_8265 ljp_8351 ljp_8380 ljp_8352 ljp_6693 dsc_3341 ljp_6749 ljp_6846 ljp_6898 ljp_6863 ljp_7008 ljp_7156** A very special thank you to the amazing Lucy Hawthorne who flew down to The Big Easy to work this wedding with me.

d + b

LJP_1879I'm finally finding the time to really go through and spend some time with the photos from last week's wedding, and what a wonderful day it was. This couple and their friends and family were just so wonderful and supportive of each other. There was no stress or worrying or frantic-ness about this day. It was easy, and fun and all about enjoying the moment -- which was a treat for everyone. The bride refashioned her mother's wedding dress and she was married in the same church as her mother, which as a really nice touch as well. Wishing these two the best in the many years to come!Enjoy the highlights*...LJP_7103DSC_2294 LJP_7352 LJP_7171 LJP_0035 LJP_7253 LJP_7440 LJP_7467 LJP_0382LJP_0301 LJP_0460 LJP_7331 LJP_7868 LJP_7659 LJP_0605 DSC_2910 LJP_0820 LJP_0909bwLJP_1158 LJP_1294 LJP_1303 LJP_1103 LJP_1195DSC_3491 LJP_1388 LJP_1352 LJP_1419  LJP_1722 LJP_1831 LJP_1854  LJP_1868LJP_1935 01Also! Note that I won't be blogging on Monday as it's my birthday and I'm gonna try to stay away from all work possible. You'll get your family update on Tuesday! Cheers!*Special thanks to the fabulous Lucy who helped me second shoot this wedding!

kate and kyle get married

48That up there is Kate and Kyle, and I spent last Saturday morning with them... as they prepared for their top secret wedding (!!!). Are you giddy already? Because I was.I shot it 100% in black and white, and I came home with the BIGGEST GRIN ON MY FACE. It was so much fun and such a challenge and, just in general, it made my day. Plus? I'm not gonna lie, just taking photos of the couple getting ready and seeing each other for the first time and then going home to see my family for the day was pretty awesome. The getting ready part is maybe my favorite bit of photographing weddings, and it's always more fun when you know the couple and man did I have a great time. Can you tell?More photos below to enjoy. And remember, if you want me to shoot YOUR wedding (or your friend's or whatever), you get $500 off if I get to do it in all black and white like this one. I'm just sayin'.6302050607011013141724573860 63 65 33 41 44 49

it's all in black and white

081 (1)Hello lovelies!Today I'm going to post some of my favorite wedding photos as I tell you about a special deal I'm offering this year. In case you haven't picked up on it, I am just really in love with black and white photography these days. Sure, sure, sure, I love color as well. But something about restricting myself to black and white is just so inspiring, and as I've mentioned before, one of my huge goals for 2016 is to be more inspired and to really up my game creatively.So one goal I have is to photograph an entire wedding in black and white.No color. At all. (Deep breaths.)I know that it would take a very special bride and groom to hop on this crazy train with me, so I'm offering an incentive. You'll get $500 off an 8-hour wedding package if you say you want the whole shebang in black and white.Yup. Five hundred smackaroos. See? I want to do this thing baaaaaad.So! If you are getting married or you know anyone who is (who appreciates the classic look of old photography), please spread the word! I think the photos would be stunning and classic and besides, you have your entire guestlist there with their cell phones, so who needs color anyway?!But really. Wouldn't this be awesome?054Ahern045015036055292061 (2)