You guys, I have discovered a salmon recipe that I love. I have known for years and years and years how healthy salmon is and why I should be eating it etc etc etc. But... I just am not wild about how it tastes! And I *want* to be wild about it! I do! But I'm not.Until now.I found this recipe, and I decided to try it because of all the leeks. You guys may or may not know by now how much I adore leeks. Yuuuuummm... And you know what? Something about the leeks and the way it all cooks together makes this way less fishy. It's just divine.
And, unlike most other meats, it even looks pretty when raw! The recipe is below -- enjoy![kindred-recipe id="12840" title="salmon with leeks and lemon"]If you'd like an internet share of the day, how about this refresher on dinner etiquette? Or here is a story about a college student who saved a girl's life on Easter.
I have found my new winter snack.So I was thumbing through Bon Apétit last weekend, and I gotta be honest, I get the magazine for the food photography. Sure the recipes look AMAZING. But they also look like they take about 3 hours to make, contain about 75 ingredients, and the dishwashing when done would be a nightmare. I'm far too simple to actually cook a recipe from that publication.Until now.I found this dish and saw that, believe it or not, it only needed a few ingredients. And took 20 minutes to make. And sounded wonderful.So I tried it and fell in love. Now of course, because I'm me, I changed a few things up. Below is my take on the best way to make these delicious, warm, salty, flavorful chickpeas. Also? Don't just eat them warm from the pan (although that's totally acceptable). Put them in the fridge overnight where they get even more flavorful. Eat them cold. Eat them at room temperature. Add them to salads. Or eggs. Or whatever. Just ENJOY.You're welcome.** Also, check out how I now have fancy recipe cards on my new, shiny website! Isn't that exciting!?!
[kindred-recipe id="12310" title="savory chickpeas with fresh herbs"]
A dear friend of mine gifted me a wonderful bottle of balsamic vinaigrette a few weeks back, and oh man is that stuff delicious. I've been using it in all kinds of different ways, but my favorite is homemade salad dressing. Can you hear me smacking my lips? It's divine.Recently, I've been making a delicious salad with baby greens, roasted winter vegetables (carrots, squash, onions and cauliflower), cashews, roasted chicken and a sprinkle of feta cheese. You guys, you gotta get on this train! It's so good.Anyway, I thought you might want the recipe for the dressing below. I promise, you'll thank me.
[kindred-recipe id="12134" title="Amazing Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing"]
Tonight we made the best chicken chili I have ever had in my life. IN MY LIFE.But we should start at the beginning.Way back in 1997, it was New Year's Day (wait, that makes it 1998) and I met up with Jamie and his former college roommate at the roommate's aunt's cabin in northern Michigan. We watched football, drank beer and ate a ton (as you do on New Year's Day in the woods). His aunt made this chicken chili which was so amazing that years and years and years later, we have tried to replicate it and failed many times. Sure, we have made decent substitutes, but nothing as good as that holiday in the woods.And then, this summer, the former roommate came to visit us. Somehow, we mentioned how we both still crave that chili, and he texted his aunt and voila! The recipe was ours! (Why didn't we do this sooner, you ask? Yeah. We are kicking ourselves for that as well.)We made our first batch 2 weeks ago, and it was heaven, and I promised it would be on the blog the next time I cooked it. And here you go.But the best part? You guys. This is the EASIEST RECIPE IN THE WORLD. And the leftovers are amazing. You are really gonna owe me for this one.So here we go.Combine all of this in a crockpot to cook on low for a few hours or in a pot to put on the stovetop on low for 2 hours. Up to you (just make sure you stir it if you go with the stove top).
- The chicken pulled from a rotisserie bird you buy at the grocer
- 3 cans of white beans, drained
- 2 Tbsp cumin
- 8 oz Pepper Jack cheese
- 20 oz of your favorite salsa (I used Tostido's restaurant style medium)
At the end of your cooking time, if you feel like it's too thick, add 1/2 to 1 full bottle of beer.AND THAT'S IT.Now go make this and tell me how good it was. I promise it won't disappoint.
Oh you guys, you are gonna LOVE this one.Jamie made me fish tacos this week, and they were AMAZING. So tasty and so easy and you need to make these as soon as you can. For real.So here's what you're gonna need to serve six:+ Coconut oil (or whatever oil you like to fry stuff in)+ 1 filet of fish (I love tilapia, but cod is def. cheaper)+ a can of beer (you only need 1/2 cup, but I think you should drink the rest)+ 1/2 cup flour+ cayenne pepper to taste+ a bag of shredded cabbage+ an avocado+ a cup of plain yogurt+ a cup of mayonaisse+ your favorite salsa+ corn tortillas+ fresh cilantro+ a lime
First, you fry the fish. Before doing anything else, heavily coat the bottom of the frying pan with coconut oil (you want it to come up on the edges of the fish, so be generous), and heat that on medium-high while you continue.Then mix the flour and beer in a bowl. The proportion is 1-to-1, so if you think you'll need more or less than I used, feel free to go ahead with your bad selves. Add in some cayenne to taste (we sprinkled it in along with a touch of paprika).Next, cut the fish into chunks before frying. Next time we'll do small strips (like fish sticks -- which reminds me! If you are super lazy and don't want to fry your own fish, buy some good fish sticks).After cutting the fish, dip it into the batter, and lay it into the hot oil, cooking 2-4 minutes per side. You want the batter to be crispy and golden, but you also want to avoid overcooking the fish inside that delicious pocket of beer-batter goodness.When each piece is finished, set them aside on a paper-towel lined plate and blot away the excess grease.
While you are cooking that, make someone else in your household dice an avocado, slice up some lime and chop up some cilantro for garnishes. Also have them mix up the dressing, which is just combining the yogurt and mayo in a bowl. I also sprinkled in some cayenne to this is well, but to each his own.
Lastly, warm the tortillas in the toaster oven (or stove top -- whatever is easiest) and then lay in your fish, add some avocado, dollop on some creamy dressing, dollop on some of your favorite salsa, sprinkle with cabbage and cilantro and finish with a squeeze of fresh lime. Voila! I promise you are gonna LOVE these.They clock in at 377 calories each, but you can forget the tortillas and serve the rest in a bowl to save 100 calories (that's what I did). And the leftovers are amazing as well.For your internet share of the day (yes! I remembered!), check out these amazing paintings made with coffee. Awesome. Or if you'll be dyeing easter eggs this week, might I suggest this method? Gorgeous.And lastly, if you liked this taco recipe, don't forget my rad breakfast tacos or my mexican tacos. Let's eat tacos every day, yeah?
See?! I told you there would still be food around these parts! My Man had a New Year's Resolution to make a spankin' new recipe once a month. And he'd cook it. For me. I love this idea.So this month's recipe was Thai red curry meatballs -- sounds delicious, right? He based it on this recipe here.
We altered it a bit by, um, forgetting to add the cilantro (don't do that -- please add the cilantro) and by switching the lemongrass out for a handful of fresh basil that we threw in at the end. Overall, it was a pretty solid recipe! Honestly, I think I'd just do the whole thing but skip the meatballs and use sauteed shrimp instead (easier and lighter). But this right here was a nice, rich dish for winter.
For your internet share of the day, this made me laugh at my desk. I love the whimsy that I find on the internet. And speaking of whimsy, as I type this I can hear my husband singing falsetto to the kid down in the kitchen. Sometimes parenthood is rad.
See? I told you we'd still have recipes!This weekend I made frittatas for some friends, and this spinach and feta frittata was delicious (if I do say so myself). So I made it again today for Nyberg, but this time I took photos so I could share the recipe with you!Today's was a smaller frittata -- it would likely be good for 3-4 people, so I made it in our smaller omelette pan.You'll need:• 5 eggs, scrambled• a large handful of your favorite mushrooms (crimini or baby bellas are mine)• 2 tbsp crumbled feta cheese• 1 handful of fresh spinach leaves• 1/2 yellow onion, sliced• 1 yukon gold potato, sliced thinly• garlic salt• salt and pepper to taste• 3 tbsp butter
First, melt one tablespoon of your butter in the pan on medium heat, and warm the onions until they begin to soften (3-4 minutes). Next, toss in your sliced mushrooms, and heat this concoction until the mushrooms lose their liquid and it evaporates. While cooking these, sprinkle with garlic salt to taste.Once they are done, remove from the pan and set aside.
Next, melt the remaining 2 tbsp butter, and lay in thin slices of the potato to cover the bottom. You'll fry these in the butter for about 5 minutes without moving/stirring them, creating a sort of "crust" to the bottom of the frittata. Sprinkle with garlic salt while cooking.Next, pour the mushrooms and onion mixture back into the pan on top of the potatoes, and spread evenly around the pan (leaving the potatoes in place at the bottom). Then add in the feta and the spinach. Next, pour the scrambled eggs over it all and tilt the pan until the eggs are evenly distributed. Season with salt and pepper to taste.Cook this covered on medium heat for 10 minutes. Sometimes this does the trick, but sometimes, the middle is still runny. When this happens, I put the pan in the oven at 300 degrees for about 5 minutes longer, just keeping an eye on it until the center of the frittata has set.
Once it's ready, remove from the heat and let it sit for about 5-10 minutes. Then, take an empty plate and cover the top of the pan, flipping the pan so the frittata is on the plate and out of the pan. Then put another plate on top of the one you have and flip them again so the frittata is right side up. This way you don't break it and it looks pretty for your guests!To serve, slice it like a pizza! If you split this into 4 servings, it's 236 calories a pop.For your internet share of the day, I love this photo out of Duluth yesterday. Such a great angle and it clearly depicts what 10 below zero feels like.
You guys! It's been a full year of Savory Sundays! I have loved sharing my favorite recipes with you all so much, and it's been wonderful to work on my food photography like this. What a fun project! So I want to close off the year with a champagne cocktail -- what a better way to celebrate?!Oh, and I'll still pepper you with recipes occasionally in 2015, it just won't be weekly. Frankly, I don't have a whole lot more recipes that I feel strongly about enough to share yet. But as I develop them, I'll be sure to post. Right now I'm working on some amazing chili for winter, and I also want to share Jamie's homemade chicken soup recipe down the line.But for today, let's stick to this super easy cocktail that is perfect for holiday parties.
Each glass gets equal parts:• Cranberry juice (I like cran-pomegranate juice)• Triple sec• Champagne/prosecco/bubbly whateverYou can mix them in individual glasses if there's just a few of you, or for larger affairs you can mix equal parts juice/triple sec in a pitcher and then fill 2/3 glass with that and top it off with champagne for guests.Warning: These go down EASY. I have had many a guest tell me how much they loved them and then suffer hangovers the next day. You have been cautioned.So that's it! Happy New Year everyone!