Posts in Ezra
monday at the madhouse // spring is here

01smHappy Monday! I feel as if poor Merlin has been getting the short end of the stick, photo wise, lately, so I wanted to make up for it this week. He gets ignored by the camera for two reasons, first, he's usually napping or laying in the exact same spot of the house each day, and the photos would all start to blend together. Second, this spot he's in does not have the best light. So it's not that I don't adore the poor old man, it's just when I spend time with him I'm usually on the floor massaging his back and snuggling in, not taking photos.But this week? This week I made sure to document him.I love how Ezra snuggles in and "hugs" the old guy. I also have a few frames where Ez is pulling (gently) at that poor collie's face, but he's just taking it. What a lover.02smThe other crazy thing about this week was that six days ago it was snowing like crazy, and today it was in the mid-40s and we were walking in the sunshine with hardly any snow left on the ground! I snapped this one of the two dogs playing in the backyard on Tuesday. Snow makes Merlin as frisky as he can get at this age.03smThis is the look Magda gives you when you take her tennis ball to get her to look at the camera. On the one hand, she *is* looking at the camera. On the other hand, she looks like a total bitch.04smOh, hello pumpkin! See how grey his eyes look here? If he's wearing grey, they look grey. If he's wearing olive, they look green. If he's wearing navy, they look blue. Chameleon eyes!05smWe had brunch on Sunday with our friends Scott and Renee and Ezra was enamored with their kids Nora and Colin.06smAnd here's that sunny walk we took! See? Hardly any snow left!07smLove this. It was between Merlin kisses.08smAnd this photo shows Ezra here sitting up ALL BY HIMSELF. He's still a little wobbly, but very close.10smFor your internet share of the day, these photos made me gasp (particularly numbers one, six and twelve). Also, this trailer for Mr. Holmes is such an interesting twist on the mysteries of life. I hope it gets great reviews!

monday at the madhouse // a week of recovery

01smLook at that poor little face. This week we kept Ezra home and took a few days off work to nurse him back to health. The first afternoon, I was letting the dogs out and propped him up on the couch. When I came back in and saw that pathetic look with the tear on his cheek, I had to snap a photo before scooping him up in my arms and nuzzling him some more.I didn't take many more photos of the poor kid this week (or the family) as I was super busy just trying to stay on top of the routine we established to try and get him better. Most of you know babies can't have decongestants when they are this young, so we took holistic medicine to a new level. There were hours spent each day in hot and steamy bathrooms, lots of sessions with the Nose Frida (much to Ezra's chagrin), lots of saline drips, lots of humidifier refills and lots of applications of a special rub for his chest, back and feet. There were also a lot of naps (thank goodness).Oh but wait. What is this special rub, you ask? Well, Vicks Vapor Rub isn't safe for babies this little, so I did some research and made my own holistic version. I KNOW. WHO KNEW I WOULD BE SUCH A GOOD HIPPIE?!Anyway, I just mixed up some cocoa butter, coconut oil, eucalyptus oil and lavender oil. The Eucalyptus opens up the airways (it's also in Vicks), the lavender does as well, but also relaxes the kid for nap times and the cocoa butter just works well for consistency and it smells delicious. I also put a few drops of the eucalyptus oil in his humidifier over his crib to help keep his sinuses open as well. You guys, his room smells like an awesome spa right now... but you have to look beyond the trashcan overflowing with tissues and boogie wipes.Anyway, all that work appears to have paid off (knock on wood) as he was far less congested today and was even back bouncing away in his jumper. He's still tired and a bit more fussy, but he's miles ahead of where we were last week. So let's hope he gets a few days reprieve at daycare before coming home with the next illness.I joke. Kindof.05smMagda was spectacular this week and is very patient with Ezra's exploration of her snout with his little fingers. Don't worry, we keep a very close eye on them.02smWe have several toys that were given to Ez when he was a baby and was too young to appreciate them. This week we pulled out a few of them to help keep him entertained at home. He particularly loved these blocks with rattles inside.03smAnd Magda loved the packaging! That's what we call a win-win!04smThis was taken on Sunday as the clouds of illness were clearing.06sm 07sm 08smAnd that's about it for this week. I'm not gonna lie, Jamie and I are completely exhausted. This weekend there were a few nights where Ez was up every 1.5-2 hours or so, and man is that tough. Fingers crossed he gets those amazing sleep skills right back with his recovery, eh?Oh! And I wish I had more photos of Merlin to post -- but with his tough week, I just petted and loved him up without the camera. He's still doing better since we cut back his pain meds, and hopefully I'll have photos to show you next week.

monday at the madhouse // off to daycare

01smWhat a week! Ezra started daycare and managed to flirt with the ladies in the class (students as well as teachers), catch a virus which landed us in the doctor's office thanks to the weirdest diaper ever (no more details, I promise), and he slept entirely through the night a few times. Big week, y'all.Magda was better behaved since I wasn't doting on Ezra all day (imagine) and Merlin? He's still sleeping a lot. He'll be sure to meet you in the kitchen if you're making a meal that includes meat, however.Anyway, photos below! Enjoy!02smFirst day of daycare outfit.03smNaked (under a blanket) at the doctor's office. And still happy.04smThis hoodie matches his eyes so well right now, I love it.05smOh hi, cutie!06sm 07smLook at those long lashes!08smStill wriggling out of socks any chance he can get.09smAnd I love this one of him smiling at Magda.For your random internet share of the day, I love these photos of shampoo'd hair! So creative! Also, check out these amazing back stage photos from the Oscars. Fantastic.

monday at the madhouse // five months!

22smThis week wasn't quite as busy because I've been sick with a cold, but we still had adventures playing with stacking cups, playing in the falling snow, eating oatmeal and pears (!!), meeting Dad for lunch and opening Valentine's Day gifts.01sm21sm 20sm02sm 03smI just want you all to know that it's not always smiles around these parts. But I still find him adorable.04sm23sm05sm 06sm 07smHis eyes are getting more grey and a touch greener as well.08smJamie made a brisket from a Bon Appetit recipe, and Magda was *extremely* interested in it.09smEzra opened his first presents (he was too young at Christmas).10smAnd as expected, the tissue paper was his favorite part :)11sm 12smMagda enjoyed knocking over the stacking cups with her paws while Ezra did the same with his hands. It was adorable.13sm 14smSo that was our week! And for your internet share of the day, how about this little piece of adorableness

monday at the madhouse // one week left

10smWhat a week! We have full on belly laughter happening these days, along with several three hour naps! But mainly, this is the last week before Ezra here starts daycare. I'm gonna miss this little guy so much during the days. But, (deep breaths), it will be really good to get my own life back. In the meantime, I'm going to try to just enjoy these last few days while I can.09smOf course, we had lots of airplane time. And lots of drool.11sm08sm07smOne day last week, I thought it would be fun to "fingerpaint" with Ezra. I just added some food dye to some yogurt, thinned it up with some water and let him at it. Obviously I am naive in that I didn't expect it to end up on the face or in the hair. Lesson learned.05sm04smSnapped this while Meredith was watching Ezra last week.06sm01smEzra met Diggs this week. I love how he's resting his hand on that big, adorable Boxer.02sm03smLeah was off to the left smiling at Ezra when I snapped this. He's kinda smitten with my beautiful lady friends.12smWe also have been playing with scarves during the day. He loves the way they feel when they brush his face, and I have tons of bright, colorful vintage scarves.13sm16sm15sm14smThese last two make ma laugh so hard. This is what Ezra looks like when he's nervous. Ha!

monday at the madhouse // it's february

01smWhat a fun week we had! There was the very first "Ezra sleeps through the entire night and has to be woken up by his parents in the morning" bit. That was awesome -- and sadly, not repeated (yet). There was also the time I took him out to meet the Doomtree rappers at the donut shop (photo below). Or the time he met my longest childhood friend, Kameran Lee Bender, whom I have been friends with since 1979 or so. He was smitten with her, let me tell you.Also? There was Sunday brunch where Ezra sat in a high chair at the table the whole meal and entertained himself with  napkins and coasters while we ate a leisurely meal. That was rad.Beyond that, there were many games of "airplane," more tummy time, lots of playing with the dogs (he is now very interested and loves to gently pet them). It was a really, really great week.POS0127sm 02sm 03sm 05sm 06sm 04sm 07sm 08sm 09sm 10sm 11sm

monday at the madhouse // a busy week

01smBusy week around here! We had our first meeting at daycare, a trip to the Mall of America, a trip to Rivets and Roses, Ezra's first playdate with the lovely Naomi and many other errands. There was also some crankiness, as well as TWO NIGHTS where the kid slept all the way through (praise the lord!). Below are the photos! Enjoy.04smMerlin is doing a touch better, but mostly because we upped his pain killers so while he's not in as much pain, he's sorta... drugged. But still handsome as ever. And sweet as ever.02smI snapped this at Rivets and Roses. Flipping me the bird at such a young age. We're saving this for many uses down the line.03smEzra learned about Eskimo kisses this week, and he LOVES them. He giggles like crazy when my bangs brush his face while doing this. Adorable.05smMagda got lots of walks as the weather warmed up, so she's been pretty content this week.06smYup. Fussiness.07smHere he is with Naomi. Cuties. She's a few months older than he is and she seems miles ahead -- sitting on her own, pulling herself up into a stand and eating crackers.09smWe still love bouncing.08smAnd he still loves the mirror.10smAnd this week, Ezra was treated to his first collie pedicure! Those are the best.

monday at the madhouse // out and about

01smWe were out on the town all week it seemed! Ezra attended art openings, lunch with girlfriends, dinner with another family and loads of errands. And he met a cat! But we had some great times at home too snuggling, cooing and playing quietly. And there was also some screaming. Oh yeah, there was some screaming.We had one night where we got practically zero sleep, and then last night when Ezra slept for more than NINE HOURS straight, woke up to feed and then let us sleep in until 9:30 am. So that was about the most fantastic night ever.Merlin has made an amazing recovery from his illness, and he was playing in the yard today and even took a short walk with me (!!!). Magda is in need of exercise and attention, so we took her and Ezra on a much longer walk to deal with that. And ever since they  have both been sleeping, so that worked like magic.Photos of the week are below. Enjoy!02sm"Oh yeah, I'll just blow raspberries at my toes and ignore those needles over there." Yup, four month vaccinations were this week.03smTummy time for everyone.04smPracticing for his senior portrait.05smWe met up with my buddy Gigi for lunch at Pizzeria Lola and she showed him the room and the windows so I could eat.06smHave I mentioned this fascination with blowing bubbles? It's like he's already practicing farting sounds. He finds it hilarious. Boys.07smTickle time with dad.08smPlaying airplane with dad.09smMagda has been roaming the house without her collar so she's quieter and doesn't wake napping babes. She looks so wild to me without it!10smWe took Ezra out Saturday night with our friends The Petersens to a french restaurant. He was enamored by Eric.11smToday it got to FORTY DEGREES! So out we went! Ezra is in two onesies, pants, snow boots, a fleece snow suit and gloves. He was plenty warm (stop worrying, grandmothers). Magda was naked. She was fine as well.12smAaaand, Ezra fell asleep on our way back. Jamie snapped this photo. Who sleeps like this?