Posts in Ezra
monday at the madhouse // our favorite season

01smWe had a pretty great, but full, week over here at Shuttersmack HQ. Fall is here in full force, which meant lots of long walks, lots of playing in the leaves and lots of baking on my part (pumpkin bread! apple crisp! oatmeal cookies!). I normally hate to bake, but there is something rad about having homemade baked goods to offer to your own offspring. It's the inner June Cleaver coming out in me.We also had our dear friend Leah, who is an *amazing* hair stylist, come over to trim up Ezra's hair. He threw a fit, but we at least got the bangs and front end trimmed. We'll handle the back later. Don't worry, we might live in the "State of Hockey," but we're not letting our kid have hockey hair just yet.02smLots of hissing noises this weekend. We suspect a second tooth is on its way in...03smThis is the whole family on a walk to the farmer's market and the hardware store. It was only 42 degrees, so that's why Ezra is all bundled up. Jamie says I'm channeling my inner Jewish Mother.04smWhen Leah arrived, she warmed Ezra up to her by letting him play with her tools. He loved it and was flirting and giving her belly laughs. Until she began her work.05smThen he really turned on the charm.06smLater that day, post haircut (doesn't it look better!?), we went shopping to get Jamie a new winter coat and we found these boots that I have coveted for 3 years on sale in my size. HUZZAH!08smEzra also got his bath tonight, and I finally remembered to bring my camera upstairs. Or rather, I finally remembered to ask my husband to bring it to me (oops).07smHave I mentioned how enamored this kid is by his own reflection?09smAnd splashing? It's the best.You know what else is the best? That I didn't get any photos of? Having a 16-year wedding anniversary with the man of your dreams. We hired a sitter, ate an *amazing* dinner out at Cafe Levain and then went and saw The Martian in 3D. I could not have had more fun. Hot damn, do I love that man.That's it for this week. Next week is Halloween! So hopefully I have some good shots for you then :) Have a great Monday, everyone!

monday at the madhouse // trip to Ohio

03smOh man. What a weekend. First off, I talked about that lovely flight into Columbus on the blog last week (thank God I'm not going through that again this week), but then our time there was just fantastic. We were visiting my buddy Julie and her family -- and she has a daughter Ezra's age. Because of this, everything was so easy. They are on the same schedule as us, so dinner was easy. Naptime was easy. Driving was easy because they loaned us their car and carseat. It was the best way to travel ever.And on top of that, they are just super fun and relaxed people, so a visit with them is always wonderful.On Saturday, we all went to the zoo, and that's where that top photo was taken. I love the look on Ezra's face in the reflection.01smThis was Ezra at the airport after the epic meltdown on the airplane on our way into Columbus. Stone cold passed out.02smThese were some of the attractions at the zoo. I am always a sucker for flamingos, but I really love those ruffled feathers in the back.04smThe penguins were SUPER close to us (which was cool) and they just watched us. All lined up like we were gonna feed them!05smThis is Julie's daughter while we ate lunch at the zoo.06smHere we have the kids while there was an otter feeding show going on BEHIND THEM. They were looking at people down below on boats. Apparently they don't think otters are cool yet.07smAre you seeing a theme to this weekend? Lots of stroller and carseat naps.08smJulie's daughter had AMAZING toys that Ezra loved. Lots of push and ride toys, and this here airplane starts up (the propeller goes), lights up and plays crazy music. And there is no off button. Julie is a much better person than I.09smEzra loved walking around with the push toys. They were super fun for his age right now, and they did help him with his balance.10smWe also played with bubbles! And yeah, Julie doesn't even look pregnant. She's the hottest mom-to-be ever.12smThey also made us dinner for Jamie's birthday this weekend. As you can see, it was amazing.11smA little boy time on the back porch.16smAnd I *love* this photo of the two kids. She really wasn't mad at HIM per se, but this photo could have so many captions. We will save it for their wedding. ;)For your internet share of the day, I made this fantastic recipe tonight and it was a huge hit with the guys. It's not the kind of food I normally make, but it's chilly here and Ezra didn't eat very well when we were traveling, so I was aiming to get a lot of calories into him quickly. Done and done.

monday at the madhouse // teeth!

01smSee those nubs in his mouth up there? Those are The Kid's first teeth. And man, have they made this week painful.The poor guy not only got his first teeth, but he also switched into the Toddler Classroom, which means he's down to one nap a day (which means he is exhausted and c.r.a.n.k.y. when he gets home). But we're working through all of this, and we're hoping that in a few days we'll be back to normal.But because of the said exhaustion and my extended workload, there are only photos of Ez from Sunday this week. We tried to make it count. Enjoy!02smWe began the day with a trip to Ikea, where we rewarded Ez with an ice cream cone (his first!) at the end of the journey. Man, that was a HIT. Except he didn't really know how to eat it and tried to, um, suck the ice cream cone. No comment. Why is the photo from the end of the cone? Because I was the one feeding it to him, and at the end switched off for the photo. Sometimes, it's more fun to be in on the action than documenting it. Forgive me.03smLater, we checked out a new playground where we randomly bumped into our buddies Eero, Betz and Eric. They live on the other side of town, so it was super fun to see them out of the blue. We spent part of our visit trying to convince them to move closer to us, and the other part of the visit Ezra tried on Eric's hat. It *almost* fits.04smWe also took Ez to see the ducks. This was fascinating to him, and a beautiful day to do it.And that's it! Sorry for the brevity. Please send Ezra all of your "painless teething" prayers. He needs 'em. 

monday at the madhouse // teeth and a haircut

07smThis was a bit of a hard week for the boy. He cut his very first tooth (a top one!) and because of that, his appetite was off (which makes him cranky) and he had to get a "real" haircut by a stranger and he had to dress up in a shark costume (which you would think might be fun, but took some serious coaxing).But! He also had some fun. He had his first ride down a slide (which he loved) and he got to eat lots of sauerkraut (which he loves) and he moved into the toddler room at school with the big kids and got to nap on a cot (which he did really well at). Plus, unsurprisingly, he rocked it at school picture day.Photos from the week are below. I'm gonna warn you, those haircut photos are tough. They make me tear up a bit!02sm 03sm 04smThe weather was lovely and Magda and I spent lots of time outdoors this week.05sm 06smEzra's having to model for a business thing I'm about to announce. This was one of about 4 of 5,000 where he wasn't crying. Dressing up is hard.08smSunday, we went to the park for a picnic. Here he is playing in the fountain -- he loved that part.09smSame picnic -- just running around with Dad and Magda.10smThe kid has gotten really good at communicating what he wants even though he can't talk. Like, crawling back into the stroller and curling up for a nap? Ok. I guess it's time to head back home now.11smI love this.12sm

monday at the madhouse // orchard visit

01smSince you guys got birthday updates midweek, I'm just going to focus on this weekend today. There were several play dates, a trip to an apple orchard (which was AMAZING) and a bleeding vizsla (we aren't sure if she cut her nose on the bottom of the fence when she was barking her head off at the neighbor dog or if that dog nipped her -- either way, a swollen snout and blood everywhere). The weather, by the by, has been GLORIOUS here in Minnesota. September might be my new favorite month!Photos are below -- enjoy!02smOur friend Eric, walking with Ezra.03smThe orchard dog, Fletcher, loooved to play fetch. So much fun! The boys were enamored.04smEzra's favorite past time might be flirting with Betz. Which is wonderful.05w 06smWe loved these mini adirondack chairs!07sm 08sm 09smYou can see the poor girl's bump above, and if you look close, the cut below.10sm 11smThis is super grainy and not in focus, but FISH FACE!

365 days

01smToday was Ezra's "real" birthday, so he and I lived it up! Our day included a trip to the hospital where where we dropped off some blueberry pie and a thank you note for all the doctors and nurses who helped us birth this guy last year. Next we visited Wild Rumpus, where Ezra chased chickens, examined birds, gazed at ferrets and watched some fish (and we bought a new book). We also visited Hello Pizza for lunch, and upon arriving home we opened gifts and played in his new fort.Then Jamie came home and we gave the kid a cake to play with. This was a leftover layer from his birthday cake that I had frozen and then frosted just for him to smash. This? This was a big hit. Enjoy the photos.02sm 03sm 04sm 05sm 06sm 07smFor your internet shares of the day, I am not one for DIY projects (AT ALL), but this one is tempting. And if I win the lottery, I'm totally buying these shoes.

monday at the madhouse // fifty one weeks. ahem.

10wWhat a weekend! We pretty much just prepped for a very small brunch to celebrate Ezra's first year. His birthday isn't until later this week, but we wanted a few of the people who have truly helped us to survive this first year (clothes! babysitting! advice! baby gear galore!) to celebrate with us.Ezra took a two hour nap that morning (!!) making him 20 minutes late to his own party. We didn't mind though as it gave us time to get all the food ready etc, but he was a bit groggy and confused when he woke up and there were a bunch of people, bubbles and balloons in his backyard. So he's a bit... dazed in some of these photos. He livened up after the cake though.Also, I put 51 weeks in the title of this post as a bit of a joke. One thing that drives me bonkers, is when moms refer to their kids in weeks or months after it is wholly ridiculous.This drove me crazy when I didn't have any kids, and I thought maybe once I had one of my own I would understand. Nope. The only thing this does is make me do more math. The other day I was with Jamie and Ezra at a restaurant, and there was a woman nearby with a baby. I asked her how old it was and she told me 26 weeks.No.That child is 6 mos. old. Don't make me do the math. So then Jamie asked me, "So how old was she?" And I snickered, "182 days." Here are my own general guidelines:Age in days: Appropriate up to one week old.Age in weeks: Appropriate up until 10 weeks old.Age in months: Appropriate up until one year old.After that? Let's do full and half years please, people. One time a woman told me her child was 39 months old and I seriously had to take a deep breath and not scream YOUR CHILD IS THREE. SAY IT WITH ME.Again, I bet this bothers me more than you because I hate math. But there it is. Oh, and I should also say  that "How far along are you" in pregnancy used to drive me nuts when answered in weeks, but I now understand why that matters and that is totally OK. In case you were wondering my stance on that.But enough of my ranting, and on to the photos. Oh! And there are photos of ME this week! My buddy Jaime (not to be confused with my husband) grabbed my camera and shot some during the party -- which was awesome. Thanks Jaime! 02w 03wI had to get a shot of him standing on his own this week. It's a bit wobbly, but he's getting better.04w 05w 06w 11w 08w 09w 17w 15w 16w 14w 13w 12w 07w 22wBest party cleanup around. 18wSign of a good party? When you need two baths afterward. 21w 01wThe bubble machine I got for the party was AWESOME.19w 20w

monday at the madhouse // holiday weekend

01What a week! Or maybe, what a weekend! We made the most of our days with lots of friends, a trip to the aquarium and the state fair. More below...06Not only is Ezra standing these days, but there is a lot of tippy-toe action as he reaches for more trouble than he can handle.05But back to the aquarium. That's a shark! And yeah, Ezra was mesmerized.04But the jellyfish really captured his imagination...02We also went to brunch this weekend, and Ezra got a bit cranky waiting around for the food. So he started chewing on his toys.03And then the food came. DELISH.07Sunday morning, Ralphie came over and he and Ezra wore each other out. It was AWESOME. This photo was taken when I tried to get them to snuggle. They have some work to do in that category.08Ralphie is also an amazingly sharp dresser, and he left a ton of hand-me-downs for Ez that we are very excited about. Watch out, ladies, things are gonna get FANCY.09Also, having two boys in the house is a touch stressful for Magda. Poor girl. And speaking of this doll, I don't have enough photos of her this week. I might have to make up for that later.10On Monday, we ventured to the fair and ate this for breakfast. Fried chicken in a waffle cone with gravy might be my new most favorite state fair food.12As usual, the goats were my favorite animals.11So those were the first thing we introduced Ezra to. I think he was smitten as well.13He also loved the rabbits.18It was kinda crowded at the fair. Good thing we got there early.17I love this shot.16And this is the face Ezra makes after trying his very first chocolate milkshake. Mmmmmm... more please....15 14 19Also, did I mention how exhausting the fair is?24 23 22 21