Posts in Monday with Magda
monday with magda // october

1027magssmI'm going to be honest here, I shot this photo last week. I was walking Ezra and Magda with some girl friends, and we stumbled upon a yard full of leaves, so they worked with me (and the handy help of a saltine cracker) to get this shot of my girl.But if I were shooting something today (which I don't really have the energy to do), I would be photographing Merlin. That boy was up sick again last night. Really, really sick. To where I was inquiring about... certain measures that could be done in our home this week.I couldn't sleep because after waking up to him being so ill, a) I was worried sick and b) I couldn't breathe through my nose because I'd been crying so hard. Oh. And c) I had a baby who wanted to be fed.So this morning was filled with lots of tears, lots of emails to vets and some of the planning that as a pet owner you never want to do.And then?Then we left Merlin outside today (in case of more illness) and he ran around the yard barking and wagging his tail and even trying to wrestle and play with Magda. Those are not the actions of a dog on his deathbed. So... now we are back to where we were.I tell you what, nothing is harder than when a dog nears his end. And yeah, you're probably about to get an onslaught of Merlin photos. Mags got the spotlight today because I had this photo in the can, but tomorrow? It's his day.

monday with magda // speed racer

1020mwmsmOh this girl, she continues to steal my heart.She has been so well behaved despite being cooped up in the house with the family during such great weather. Wait, don't get me wrong, she is getting some nice, long walks. But she hadn't been to the dog park in ages for some good old-fashioned running and chasing of other pups. So we took her there this weekend -- even with Ezra in tow using the Ergo. And what fun we had!What was interesting though was that Mags enjoyed the other dogs just fine, but she was more excited to play fetch with her dad or chase him around the park. Maybe she's maturing after all...And besides her exciting trip to the dog park, as seen above, she has been quite the snuggler. She burrows into my side at night after I put Ezra down to sleep and most nights she falls asleep in my arms. (This is the part of the blog post where my father and grandmother grimace and remind me how filthy dogs are and how many germs they carry.)For your internet share of the day, it's like Where's Waldo but with a border collie! How fun!

monday with magda // baby girl

1013magssmI remember back before I was knocked up (oh, doesn't that seem like ages ago?) that I would hear stories about new parents who had kids and their love for their dogs would wane. They of course still loved their furry family members, but the dogs/cats just fell a bit in ranking, and they would get fewer walks and not as much attention. And I have had friends who have volunteered at dog rescues or humane societies who have taken in many surrendered animals because of a new baby in the household. I even rescued a 6-year-old sheltie when I got out of college who was given away because she wasn't as good with the grandkids as her parents had hoped.So you can imagine how nervous I was about this baby coming home. I mean, we all know that I *adore* my animals... and I didn't want to become someone whose priorities shifted. These guys were my kids for years before I got knocked up, and I hoped that my love for them would not diminish.You guys? I had nothing to worry about. AT ALL.If anything, my heart swells even more for Magda and Merlin as I watch them welcome Ezra to the family and quietly approach him, offering sniffs or gentle kisses. Magda was terrified of infants before Ezra came home, and now she's happy to lick his ears and feet (and anywhere else where we might allow -- which isn't much). Sure, making time for the daily walks requires much more planning. But seriously, look at those eyes up there? I am still nutso for that crazy girl. Even if she did get into the trash twice today.Yup. Still madly in love with a trash digger. Who knew I had it in me? 

monday with merlin // my sweet boy

1006merlinsmOh man, today was kinda rough. Well, actually, it was last night that was rough.Ezra woke us up to feed, and about 40 minutes after that, Merlin began having serious, um, we'll call it "intestinal distress" in the bedroom. Rugs were taken outside, fans were turned on to circulate air, and then right as we were heading back to bed... Ezra needed feeding again. And then we got him settled in and... Merlin needed to go outside STAT. And then we came back in and ... Ezra needed changing... and feeding... and oh hey, he vomited all over me. And then? Then Merlin needed back outside immediately. Are you understanding the evening? Because you guys I am ZONKED.Luckily, through all that Jamie was able to get a *little bit* of sleep since he had a presentation with his company's CEO today. I made it through the day because Ezra is pretty dang easy, and sweet, sad Merlin got to spend most of the day outside while his intestines tried to work things out. Poor guy.We are hoping this is just a bug. Because that guy up there? In his condition if it's anything more serious, then we are going to have to start having large, tear-inducing discussions around our household. And a household lacking a collie is not one I think I'm ready to face just yet. But at the same time, I want this lover to die with the same grace that he showed throughout his life.So yeah. Today has been hard. We'll be taking samples to the vet tomorrow and seeing doctors later this week. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

monday with magda // spoilage

0929mwmsmA few mornings ago, I got up to feed Ezra in his room. When I stumbled back to bed, this was what I found. Replaced so soon!But in all seriousness, we are trying to keep things as normal as we can with Magda now that Ezra's in the picture, and that includes bedtime snuggles.She seems to be handling the change pretty well. If anything, she just needs more exercise (which, sadly, I can't give her until I heal up). But overall, she's been fantastic. Just a few pacifiers destroyed here and there. And I suppose that's to be expected. The good news is that she cannot for the life of her figure out the diaper pail (SCORE!).

monday with magda // the nester

0908magssmAwwww, look at that cutie.After breakfast and the newspaper (and a very small amount of work), I went to find Miss Magda. When things get super quiet around the house, it means she's either a) getting into trouble b) napping or c) hiding from a small child. I was pretty sure she was down for her morning nap, but I wanted to check because I could only find one of my sneakers. And yup! Here she is, napping with the other one.I would also like to point out that she is in my bed, which was all made up before she arrived. She loves to jump into a made bed, pull down the covers and rearrange all the pillows so that she is nested in all nice and cozy. It would make me crazy except that it's so dang cute. Also? I found her napping today in 1) my bed 2) the daybed in my office 3) the sofa in the living room and 4) the bed in the basement. And in each instance, she had carried this shoe with her. She doesn't eat it or destroy it, she just feels better with it there.This dog, I tell you. TOTALLY ADORABLE.I'm packing in a bunch of internet shares right now in case I go into labor (WHICH WOULD BE AWESOME ANY TIME NOW KID PLESSER), as I like to keep you all entertained.So up first, this appliance could totally make my life easier and at the same time scare the crap out of the dogs. Hmm... entertainment for all? Nah, I'm not that cruel. Yet.Up second, if you think you're having a crap day or things are hard or you're just feeling really sorry for yourself, go check out some of the stories from Humans of New York as of late. This one knocked everything into perspective for me.And lastly! That last one was harsh, no? Let's lighten things up a bit. As photographers, sometimes we do get feedback like this. Aaaah, these are the clients you run from.

monday with magda // happy labor day from the hell beast

0901mwmsmHappy Labor Day from Magda! Magda, who has been a complete angel all week until today when she has been on several barking rampages, several digging rampages, has stolen toys from the nursery and in general seems a little angry at the world. I have no idea what happened between yesterday and today, but man is she pissed off about it. So she's out on a long walk with the man right now (whew!) and hopefully that will mellow her out a bit.Merlin? He's the gentlest of giants and I'm gonna walk him after I post this since I'm apparently the speed of an 11-year-old arthritic collie right now. And let's be real, I'm winded keeping up with him at this point. But I'll waddle along. We make quite the couple.For your internet share of the day, I adore this poster mapping out all the legends of lake monsters throughout the United States. As someone who has always dreamed of spying Nessie in the Loch Ness, this is super fun!

monday with magda // sweetheart edition

0825magssmI seriously hesitate to write this for fear of jinxing myself, but Magda here has been a total sweetheart as of late. She's super snuggly and full of kisses and even, ahem, MINDING. Maybe it's the heat? Maybe it's so exhausting that she just lacks the energy to be ornery right now. I dunno, but I'll take it.Also, while things are totally normal over here in Plesserville, I wanted to alert you guys that when I do go into labor, there will be no blogging for a bit. Or maybe I'll post some photos every once and awhile, but not many words. I'm not sure how I'll be in those first few weeks of sleepless parenthood. Apparently complete Zombieland is a real possibility, so please be patient. I have arranged to keep my Savory Sundays going for a bit, but that's it for awhile.Please don't give up on me. I'll just need my rest. And don't you worry, I am already securing photo passes for a concert or two in October. So I'm planning on not going totally soft (right away, anyway).Now, for your internet share of the day! I have two today. First? I am currently coveting this leather jacket for fall. LOOK AT THAT LINING. I would rock that so hard. And second? Look at these sweet baby bears. Awwww.